The Power of Vulnerability
As you read Art and Fear, take time to reflect on how you experience fear in your own art making process. Below is on of the most viewed...
3rd Quarter IB Due Dates
IB Tentative Calendar 2015 HELMS 3rd quarter January 16 Project 9 Due January 27 IWB (49-56) Pages Due February 4 ...

"Place", a PBS Video
How do you percieve the world around you? How to you feel about the space around you? Here is a video comparative study of the idea of...

What is "IB Comparative Study"?
Comparative Study Students both SL and HL (HL 2016) must examine and compare at least three pieces, at least two of which should be by...

IWB Examples
The Spring Semester is here!! Now that you have learned your way around an IWB, let's continue to make it more and more amazing! Check...

ALLen Reads - Matchbox Project
ALLen Reads - What is it? ALLen Reads is a one-book program under the leadership of the Friends of the Allen Public Library. It is...

Observational Drawing
Observational Drawing - What is it? It can be defined as "drawing from life". For many students, drawing is the core method of...

Digital Painting Tutorials
Ctrl+Paint : a digital painting tutorial site Huge shout out to Hunter for finding this awesome site! Here you can find all sorts of FREE...

Art & Fear
In January, we will be reading the book "Art and Fear" by David Bayles and Ted Orland together as a class. Please make arrangements to...

People's Choice Art Exhibit & Sale, Allen TX
People's Choice Art Exhibit & Sale, Allen TX November 8th at 10am Allen Heritage Center 100 E. Main Street Allen TX 75002