Painting with Light
Use a "long exposure" to capture movement in light. Check out this link for great ideas! http://webecoist.momtastic.com/2008/12/28/fire-a...

Steam Punk Animals
How do you mix anatomy, animals, steam punk and technical drawings together?

Woven Photography
http://www.thejealouscurator.com/blog/2014/08/19/david-samuel-stern/ and http://www.designlovefest.com/2011/09/remnants/ Fun. Weird....

Recycled Materials & Giant Bugs
Using recycled materials, reclaimed objects and found papers... you could create anything... including GiAnT BuGs! www.thisiscolossal.com...

Conrad Jon Godly’s Mountain Paintings Drip from the Canvas
Painting with palette knife! When looking at Swiss painter Conrad Jon Godly’s mountainous paintings, it takes a moment to truly...

Studio Night!
YoU MiSsEd OuT! The next "Studio Night" is on October 29th. We will have a Halloween costume contest, snacks and our project with be...
Japanese Fall Festival
Looking for your next art gallery or exhibit? Check out the Japanese Fall Festival on September 28th! http://godja.org/en/images/stories/...

Avoid the TRITE LIST!
What does "trite" mean? It means: an idea (or image) that is overused and consequently of little import; lacking originality or...

National Portfolio Day (NPD) OCTOBER 5th
Are you intersted in art school? Art schools and colleges from all over the country will be coming to Dallas and they want to talk to...
3rd Period Resource Sharing
Shannon R- Andy Warhol (pop artist) Alyssa - idrawfashion.com -Fashion Sketching Tutorials Rinnah- Theresa Helmer (Photographer) Juhi -...