Why is the dress blue?
What color is the dress? But why are people seeing such wildly different colors? First off, it’s not monitor settings. (My husband and I...

Minimalism in Design
Modern Minimalist Fairy-Tale Posters Christian Jackson of Square Inch Design, created a series of hyper-minimalist poster designs for a...

Polyurethane & Magic
Could you turn the ordinary... into extraodinary art??? http://boinboing.net/2015/02/25/how-to-make-a-dandelion-paperw.html

Artist Spotlight: Packing Tape
Mark Khaisman Packing Tape Artist Why? Taking something ordinary and unimportant and making it into something worth looking at. Resembles...

Artist Spotlight
Name a Contemporary Artist... Need help? Check out the link below for a HUGE LIST of Contemporary Artists. What moves you? What inspires...

Artist Spotlight: Björn Andersson
Björn Andersson Its all about the light! Can art be functional? Can something be beautiful and functional at the same time? Andersson is...

Artist Spotlight: Rowena Martinich
Artist: Rowena Martinich Location: Melbourne, Australia Style: Known for her bold use of color. Abstract Expressionism. Decorative arts:...

Video Resource: Vimeo - Making Art
http://vimeo.com/channels/makingart What you will find: - Artist Interviews - - Tips & Techniques - - Art & Theory -

More than you wanted about COLOR
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