Vector Art
Want to go digital? Try your hand at Adobe Photoshop and create "Vector Art". What is Vector Art or Vector Graphics? The term vector...

Surreal Collages by Eugenia Loli
What is Surrealism? A 20th-century avant-garde movement in art and literature that sought to release the creative potential of the...
What is your format?
The size and shape of your artwork matters. Is it round? Is it small? Is it a mural? Is it meant to be landscape or portrait? Every...
IB Exam Registration
2015 IB Exam Registration Deadline November 5, 2014 Click HERE for general IB exam information Click HERE to register on the Total...
Art in Paris
Want to go to Paris to study art? Mrs. Powell, an art teacher at Lowery Freshman Center, is leading a group headed to France for an...

Gel Mediums for Acrylic Painting
Looking for more TeXtUrE in your artwork? Check out this link: painting.about.com How to Select, Apply, Create Texture, Paint and Correct...

Reflections Contest
Artwork due to Mrs. Helms by OCTOBER 31st!!! For more information, visit: http://www.txpta.org/programs/reflections/ Or visit the...