2nd Period Resource Sharing
Shaniya- Bec Winnel, colored pencil and graphite Hunter- Jennifer Strickland, http://jenndraws.weebly.com, digital artist Savannah- Josef...

Think Outside the Paintbrush
Beyond the Brush: Inventive Use of Media for Painting Students http://www.studentartguide.com/articles/inventive-mixed-media-techniques

Body Painting
This Is Colossal : Body Paint Reincarnation http://www.thisiscolossal.com/2013/11/a-story-of-reincarnation-told-through-stop-motion-face-...

Violence in Art
If art is visual communication, how can you express violence or violent emotions without being explicit? Research it! Hidden Violence,...
Animals & Art
Ask yourself this question: Can animals create art? It brings up fundamental questions that you as a student and an artist must process....

Cottonwood Arts Festival
Cottonwood Art Festival Richarchson, TX October 4 & 5 http://www.cottonwoodartfestival.com

Marrs Art - Blown Glass Studio
Want to make a glass project? Check out this studio - open most Saturdays! Perfect for gallery reports & for IWB exploration!!!...

How to Document Your Gallery Visit in Your IWB
Museum or Gallery or Studio Visit: Visit a museum, gallery or artist’s studio. Describe what you saw during your visit with 50% words and...
How to work in your IWB
Still stuck? This link has examples of student pages on various topics: http://www.slideshare.net/joycachola/guide-to-iwb-2012