How to Draw & Paint Faster
15 Tips for High School Art Students http://www.studentartguide.com/articles/how-to-draw-and-paint-faster

Reduction Printmaking- a different way to think about images
Reduction Printmaking: In relief printing, a reduction print is a multicolor print in which the separate colors are printed from the same...

Self Portrait: Project Challenge
Challenge: create an innovative self portriat that describes you. Will it be 3D? Will it be collaged from many different things? Will it...

The Best IWB You Can Make
Here is a greate PowerPoint to check out. What IWB is: 50% images, 50% writing RESEARCH. Document your research and show your sources....

But WHY is art important?
http://www.cornwellfam.com/2014/04/but-why-is-art-important.html But WHY is art important? Some of you might not use art as a career. So...

Artist Spotlight: Maya Lin
Sculptor Notable work: Vietnam Memorial "Many of her projects have a surface simplicity, shaped by an underlying intellectual and...

Artist Spotlight: Andy Goldsworthy
Sculptor He found that enjoyed the outdoors much more than working inside in a studio. Nature is his inspiration. Although he usually...

Collage: a little bit of everything
http://www.collageart.org/ Collage (From the French: coller, to glue) is a technique of an art production, primarily used in thevisual...

Minimalism in Design
Modern Minimalist Fairy-Tale Posters Christian Jackson of Square Inch Design, created a series of hyper-minimalist poster designs for a...