The Best IWB You Can Make
Here is a greate PowerPoint to check out. What IWB is: 50% images, 50% writing RESEARCH. Document your research and show your sources....

But WHY is art important?
http://www.cornwellfam.com/2014/04/but-why-is-art-important.html But WHY is art important? Some of you might not use art as a career. So...

Artist Spotlight: Martin Hill
Ephemeral Sculptor "For me making this body of work is my way of connecting with nature to tell the story of the transition that is...

Artist Spotlight: Maya Lin
Sculptor Notable work: Vietnam Memorial "Many of her projects have a surface simplicity, shaped by an underlying intellectual and...

Artist Spotlight: Andy Goldsworthy
Sculptor He found that enjoyed the outdoors much more than working inside in a studio. Nature is his inspiration. Although he usually...
TED talk: What is Wrong with Contemporary Art?
What do you think? Document it in your IWB!

Collage: a little bit of everything
http://www.collageart.org/ Collage (From the French: coller, to glue) is a technique of an art production, primarily used in thevisual...

You Can Do It!!! IB Candidate Statement
Below are links to examples for your 300 word candidate statement and 1000 word statement. These are provided by IB as examples of high...