Prepare a College Art Portfolio
15-20 Artworks - More is not better - Best artworks that describe who you are as an artist - ONLY finished artworks, no incomplete work -...
Composition Terms
How much do you know about CoMpOsItIoN? Do you know WHY something looks good? Or do you just guess? Check out the PowerPoint below for a...

Artist: Henry Moore
Henry Moore, Sculptor, 1898 - 1986 An English sculptor whose bronze, marble, stone, or wood sculptures were famous for their monumental...
IB Candidate Statement - What is it?
What is an IB Candidate Statement? A required 300 word essay that is a part of the assessment process. It will be submitted...

Observational Drawing
Observational Drawing - What is it? It can be defined as "drawing from life". For many students, drawing is the core method of...
Art in Paris
Want to go to Paris to study art? Mrs. Powell, an art teacher at Lowery Freshman Center, is leading a group headed to France for an...

Studio Night!
YoU MiSsEd OuT! The next "Studio Night" is on October 29th. We will have a Halloween costume contest, snacks and our project with be...

National Portfolio Day (NPD) OCTOBER 5th
Are you intersted in art school? Art schools and colleges from all over the country will be coming to Dallas and they want to talk to...