How to talk about an artwork...
Here is a great example of one way to write about artwork. This is a good technique for your IB Comparative Study!
Composition Terms
How much do you know about CoMpOsItIoN? Do you know WHY something looks good? Or do you just guess? Check out the PowerPoint below for a...

Primitivism in Art
Primitivism is a Western art movement that borrows visual forms from non-Western or prehistoric peoples. Borrowings from primitive art...

Artist: Henry Moore
Henry Moore, Sculptor, 1898 - 1986 An English sculptor whose bronze, marble, stone, or wood sculptures were famous for their monumental...
3rd Quarter IB Due Dates
IB Tentative Calendar 2015 HELMS 3rd quarter January 16 Project 9 Due January 27 IWB (49-56) Pages Due February 4 ...

"Place", a PBS Video
How do you percieve the world around you? How to you feel about the space around you? Here is a video comparative study of the idea of...

What is "IB Comparative Study"?
Comparative Study Students both SL and HL (HL 2016) must examine and compare at least three pieces, at least two of which should be by...