Digital Portfolio: Get Seen
This is a digital age. People want quick access to information, images and content. There is no better time to start a digital portfolio...

Finding Creativity
How do you find creativity when you feel like you have nothing left to give? Where does inspiration strike? 1. Try something NEW. Medium....

Scale: all about your perception
Scale: defined as how large or small something is Proportion: the size of something in relation to another object Miniatures in Art An...

Was Escher Inspired by Islamic Art?
Artrageous with Nate http://www.artrageouswithnate.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9A6Qp6KiXo&list=PL01408B8A1DA5D6B3&index=2

Fashion or Sculpture?
Artrageous with Nate http://www.artrageouswithnate.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4Ch0m8QhCc&list=PL01408B8A1DA5D6B3&index=1

Artist Spotlight: Joyce Tiong
Joyce Tiong is an amazing young artist who is experimenting with light, shadow and their uses to create positive and negative space....

3D Armatures
What is an armature? An armature is the interior or skeleton-like structure inside a sculpture. In paper mache we use anything that...