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3rd Quarter IB Due Dates

IB Tentative Calendar 2015 HELMS

3rd quarter

January 16 Project 9 Due

January 27 IWB (49-56) Pages Due

February 4 Project 10 Due

February 10 Gallery Report Due

February 12 IWB (57-64) Pages Due

February 23 Project 11 Due

March 5 IWB (65-73) Pages Due

March 24 Comparative study (SL) Exhibition (HL)


Dates for Exhibition Set-up

Note: Project 12 grade will be all the components for exhibition

  • Monday-Wednesday 3-16-18-15 Show must be set up. Work, 300 Statement, Name Plate.

  • Thursday and Friday 3-19-20-15 Candidate Interviews

  • Wednesday 3-20-15- 1000 word statement due.

  • Friday 3-24-15- Digital Portfolio Due. All Modifications must be complete for portfolio.

Submission requirements:

Studio Work: HL(A) 12-18 HL(B) 8-12 SL(A) 8-12 SL(B) 6-8

Investigation Work Books: HL(A) 25-30 pgs. HL(B) 30-40pgs

SL(A) 15-20 SL(B) 25-30

Daily grades will consist of required submission preparation assignments. Dates are TBA.

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