Painting Terms
Modern Color Wheels

Modern "subtractive" color wheel | "additive" color wheel colors
red red (primary)
magenta (primary) magenta
blue blue (primary)
cyan (primary) cyan
green green (primary)
yellow (primary) yellow
end result = black end result = white
Types of Paints
Watercolor - thin, translucent paints; water-based; images created by stacking thin, semi-translucent layers on top of one another; colors may be premixed on paint palette or layered to create new colors; images cannot be hidden or completely painted over; fast drying time
Acrylic - thick, opaque paints; polymer and water-based; images are created by mixing colors together on a palette and applying them to the paint surface; images can be completely painted over or hidden; fast drying time
Oil - very thick, opaque paints; oil-based; images are created by mixing colors directly on the canvas or on a palette; images can be painted over, once dry; very slow drying time allows for more blending and shading to occur
Color Mixing in Painting
6 Primary Colors in Painting
Warm Red | Cool Red
Warm Yellow | Cool Yellow
Warm Blue | Cool Blue

Oil and Acrylic Mixing Techniques:

Chart of How to Mix Watercolor Paints:

Types of Brushes

Layering & blending
Tint = a color mixed with white paint
(in watercolor, it is just diluted with more water so more of the paper shows through the pigment)
Shade = a color mixed with black paint
(in watercolor, we do not use black tubed paint but rather mix ultramarine and burnt sienna or brown together to make a neutral color)
Layering in Watercolor Paints:

Mixing in Acrylic or Oil Paints: