Painting Terms
Modern Color Wheels Modern "subtractive" color wheel | "additive" color wheel colors red ...

Glossary Acrylic Painting Terms
There are 6 (not 3) primary colors you need to use when painting. Yes, your art teacher lied to you in Art 1. Shocking. I know. Painting...

Anthropomorphism: the what and why of it all
Psychology behind it all: Neuroscience has suggested that people use the same area of their brain when they process human behavior as...

Metamorphosis: Kafka & Art
http://issuu.com/va-da/docs/ib_unit_9_metamorphosis_120822 Looking for project ideas? Check out "Metamorphosis" with vocabulary, ideas...

Identity and Self
http://issuu.com/va-da/docs/ib_unit_1_identity http://issuu.com/ms.jvisualart/docs/ib_unit_1 Who are you? How do you see yourself? How do...

Everything Cardboard
http://issuu.com/va-da/docs/ib_unit_2_cardboard_fantastic_120826 Vocabulary, project ideas, artists and helpful websites.

Objects inExcess: Consumerism in Art
http://issuu.com/mirandasweeney/docs/objects_in_excess_unit Consumerism: what does it say about the world around you and the way you...

IB: Movement
http://issuu.com/va-da/docs/ib_unit_4_-_movement_140309 For project ideas, vocabulary and information on the Principle of Art: "Movement"
Emotional Vocabulary
Here are a few words and terms you may have experienced but never knew that they had a name for it... http://www.tickld.com/x/jaw/23-emot...

Reduction Printmaking- a different way to think about images
Reduction Printmaking: In relief printing, a reduction print is a multicolor print in which the separate colors are printed from the same...