Digital Painting - an overview
Look through the document link provided for examples to 3 different forms of digital painting... https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e...

Painting Terms
Modern Color Wheels Modern "subtractive" color wheel | "additive" color wheel colors red ...

Oil Painting Tips
Ms. Helms’ Oil Painting Tips Use the right brushes Know your shapes and textures Know the orientation (direction) the brush moves Brush...

Gouache, if watercolor and acrylic had a baby
a method of painting using opaque pigments ground in water and thickened with a glue-like substance has both watercolor and acrylic...

Glossary Acrylic Painting Terms
There are 6 (not 3) primary colors you need to use when painting. Yes, your art teacher lied to you in Art 1. Shocking. I know. Painting...

Scale: all about your perception
Scale: defined as how large or small something is Proportion: the size of something in relation to another object Miniatures in Art An...

Artist Spotlight: Melissa Cookeart
http://melissacookeart.com/ THE PROCESS Cooke's drawings are made by dusting thin layers of graphite onto paper with a dry brush. The...

Artist Spotlight: Andrew Salgado
http://www.andrewsalgado.com/ Canadian Painter Awesome

Aboriginal Art
Janie Ward Nakamarra Aboriginal Artist Aboriginal art is art made by indigenous Australian people. It includes work made in many...