New Ways to Look at Selfies
The "Self Portrait" is a fundamental part of the art experience. But it doesn't always have to look the way you think it should. There...

Video Resource: Vimeo - Making Art
http://vimeo.com/channels/makingart What you will find: - Artist Interviews - - Tips & Techniques - - Art & Theory -
3rd Quarter IB Due Dates
IB Tentative Calendar 2015 HELMS 3rd quarter January 16 Project 9 Due January 27 IWB (49-56) Pages Due February 4 ...
What is your format?
The size and shape of your artwork matters. Is it round? Is it small? Is it a mural? Is it meant to be landscape or portrait? Every...

Studio Night!
YoU MiSsEd OuT! The next "Studio Night" is on October 29th. We will have a Halloween costume contest, snacks and our project with be...

Avoid the TRITE LIST!
What does "trite" mean? It means: an idea (or image) that is overused and consequently of little import; lacking originality or...

Cottonwood Arts Festival
Cottonwood Art Festival Richarchson, TX October 4 & 5 http://www.cottonwoodartfestival.com

Marrs Art - Blown Glass Studio
Want to make a glass project? Check out this studio - open most Saturdays! Perfect for gallery reports & for IWB exploration!!!...

It's Only Fair
Well, I asked you to document what you were doing over the summer so it is only fair that I should do the same. This summer I played...