Photography - Light and Shadow
Many of you are looking at exploring photography as a part of your IB research. You are starting to ask questions: -What makes a good...

How to talk about an artwork...
Here is a great example of one way to write about artwork. This is a good technique for your IB Comparative Study!

Frottage - an art technique
What is "FROTTAGE"? Well, it's a fancy French word that means "texture rubbing". It is a technique in the visual arts of obtaining...

Artist Spotlight: David Moreno
http://www.thisiscolossal.com/2016/10/drawing-sculptures-david-moreno/ and https://www.behance.net/DeMoreno

Cultural Appropriation
What is cultural appropriation? Cultural appropriation is the adoption or use of elements of oneculture by members of a different...

Projection Art Photography
Artists Include: Clément Briend http://www.ignant.de/2012/11/14/clement-briend/ Mads Perch http://beautifuldecay.com/2014/10/14/photograp...
Portraits: Artist In Control
SHUTTERBUG is a well established photography magazines that publishes everything from beginners tips to professional advice and journals....

Academic Journal Articles
Check out the academic journal published by the National Art Education Association. Articles include: A spotlight on Kehinde Wiley and...

Art is good for the brain!
http://www.aplaceformom.com/blog/2013-10-31-art-therapy-good-for-brain/ Studies show that art therapy gives back to Alzheimer’s patients,...