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Cultural Appropriation

What is cultural appropriation?

Cultural appropriation is the adoption or use of elements of oneculture by members of a different culture.

Cultural appropriation often has little to do with one’s exposure to and familiarity with different cultures. Instead, cultural appropriation typically involves members of a dominant group exploiting the culture of less privileged groups — often with little understanding of the latter’s history, experience and traditions. Frequently it is a conversation about who has the power in the exchange of ideas and what concepts (or stereotypes) are being portrayed about the sub-dominant culture.

Dr. Melissa Crum:

"Multicultural Critical Reflective Practice and Contemporary Art"


Art History:

What is Orientalism?

Orientalism is a term used by art historians, literary, geographers, and cultural studies scholars for the imitation or depiction of aspects in Middle Eastern, South Asian, African and East Asian cultures. reference to a patronizing Western attitude towards Middle Eastern, Asian and North African societies. The West essentializes these societies as static (unchanging) and undeveloped—thereby fabricating a view of Oriental culture that can be studied, depicted, and reproduced. Implicit in this fabrication, writes Said, is the idea that Western society is developed, rational, flexible, and superior.

Who was Edward Said?

As a cultural critic, Said is known for the book Orientalism (1978), a critical analysis of the culturally inaccurate representations that are the bases of Orientalism — the Western study of the Eastern world that presents how Westerners perceive and represent Orientals.

Art Museums, did they do it right or wrong?

Boston Museum of Fine Art

Kimono Wednesdays: A Conversation

The Confused Thinking Behind the Kimono Protests at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts

Kimbell Museum of Art:

"Join the Impressionists"

Is this Appropriation?

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