How to Draw & Paint Faster
15 Tips for High School Art Students http://www.studentartguide.com/articles/how-to-draw-and-paint-faster

Artist Spotlight: Bobbie Burgers
If VanGogh and Georgia O'Keeffe had a daughter... She would be Bobbie Burgers Bobbie Burgers http://bobbieburgers.com Canadian with huge...

Video Resource: Vimeo - Making Art
http://vimeo.com/channels/makingart What you will find: - Artist Interviews - - Tips & Techniques - - Art & Theory -

Digital Painting Tutorials
Ctrl+Paint : a digital painting tutorial site Huge shout out to Hunter for finding this awesome site! Here you can find all sorts of FREE...

Gel Mediums for Acrylic Painting
Looking for more TeXtUrE in your artwork? Check out this link: painting.about.com How to Select, Apply, Create Texture, Paint and Correct...