How to make an Animated GIF in Photoshop
GIF Artists:
Check this out:Top 20 GIF artists
Artist and designer INSA hails from a background of graffiti and street art—and you can tell from his GIFs too. This guy takes progressive shots of the murals he's working on and puts them all together so viewers can watch his street art come to life. He's even got his own line of heels called INSA HEELS and designed for brand like Kangol, Kid Robot and Oki-Ni. Trill.

GIFFriends (Alex Thebez, Michael Fivis, Peter Marquez, and Marisa Gertz)
Comprised of four friends, GIFFriends takes photos of common people doing everyday things and breathes life into the captured images by framing them and tweaking them so that shake and swivel.

Video Directions: