Artist Spotlight: Joyce Tiong
Joyce Tiong is an amazing young artist who is experimenting with light, shadow and their uses to create positive and negative space. Check out the ways she manipulates shadow to create value in her shadow box series "Travel ":

From the artist:
"I decided to try out paper cut light boxes for my ISP after seeing pictures of them on Pinterest. This art form was originally created by two artists, Haari and Deepti, who used paper cutting art as a means of storytelling. To make them, I first sketched the designs that I wanted to create, making sure that they were the right size so that they would fit inside of the shadow boxes that I bought to put them in. I then traced the design for the first layer onto tracing paper and transferred this to a piece of card stock so that the pencil marks would be on the back of the card stock when I cut it out. I used an X-Acto knife and self healing mat to cut out the images. After all of the layers were cut out, I put them together by gluing thin strips of white foam core board in between each layer. Once all of the layers were glued together, I inserted them into the shadow box and pasted LED strip lights around the edges at the back of the frame. For the backs of the light boxes, I used white foam core board because it was much easier to cut a hole through these for the power cord than it was to drill one through wooden backings."
Tips from the artist:
So if there are some tips that I would give others when doing this project, it would be to plan everything out very carefully, because not all designs will work, and to make sure to take accurate measurements because this project takes a lot of precision. This was definitely a very time consuming and stressful project, but the final product and feeling of accomplishment at the end really made everything worth it.