Soft Sculpture
What is it?
"Soft Sculpture" is a type of sculpture made using cloth, foam rubber, plastic, paper, fibres and similar material that are supple and nonrigid. They can also be made out of natural materials if combined to make a nonrigid object. Soft sculpture is very popular in Japan with artists like Yayoii Kusama boosting the heritage of this new and innovative medium for interior designers.
Traditional sculpture is by definition dimensional and durable; it requires the determination of the artist. In the plastic arts, a distinction is made between painting’s appeal to the eye and sculpture’s references to the body, and, by extension, to our senses.
Soft sculpture reveals the qualities of softness and plasticity in many ways and across a range of media: furry, pliable, visceral, even liquid. Inspired by organic and inorganic forms, artists have transformed sculpture, engaging new materials and developing new forms of making. The impact of plastics and other resinous substances on art practice is especially remarkable when we consider just how recent is their development.
Who makes it?
Katie Gardenia
Magdalena Abakanowicz
Lynda Benglis
Louise Bourgeois
Isabelle de Borchgrave
Joseph Beuys
Jann Haworth
Eva Hesse
Mark Jenkins
Annette Messager
Robert Morris
Rosslyn Piggot
Susan Mohl Powers
Faith Ringgold
Richard Serra
Michelle Stewart
Marjorie Strider
Lucy Sparrow
Joel Jones
Daniel Richard
Dylan Jones
