Unusual Media: CARDBOARD
Artist: Ali Golzad
Dallas based artist!
Artist Statement:
"The abstract and figurative work that I create is primarily influenced by the Cubism of Pablo Picasso and the works of Henri Matisse, Marcel Duchamp, Joseph Cornell, Louise Nevelson, Alexander Calder, Robert Rauschenberg, and John Chamberlain.
My work is inspired by natural forms and objects that are not rendered in a naturalistic or representational way but rather simplified or distorted to some extent, often in an attempt to convey the essence of the form or object.
My most recent work derives inspiration from the disparity of war and my main objective is to make a difference for those affected by tragedy and to leave my viewer questioning whether or not they are doing their part. I’m asking my viewer to assume the same attitude and passion with which each piece is created – it’s not enough for you to simply like my work; instead it’s a call to action."

The American Dream Corrugated Cardboard 122cm x 89cm x 56cm = 48”x 34” x 22”

Recycled, Corrugated Cardboard 119cm x 80cm (47″x31.5″)