Kate Powell - Famous at Age 18

Talented teenager Kate Powell has shared her Art projects on social media platforms since she was fifteen years old. She currently has over 12,000 fans on Facebook and 34,000 followers on tumblr, with one of her tumblr posts gaining over 112,000 notes.

What drives her:
I was able to use art as a means of reflection and therapy as I tackled the issues closest to my heart, and, because I felt so emotionally invested in the exam piece, I was driven to give it my all. Many of her pieces reflect on her experiences with eating disorders, self harm and the recovery process.

Who inspires her:
Focusing on details found in the work of contemporary, up-coming artists such as Marco Mazzoni, Meghan Howland and Gabriel Moreno helped me to create emotive and stylistically interesting pieces; if I hadn’t been inspired by so many wonderful artists then my work would definitely not have developed as successfully.

I feel most comfortable working in pencil/black and white but my Art teachers pushed me out of my comfort zone so I was able to work with different materials, collage, and on a fairly large scale. Without the diversity they inspired in my work I doubt I would have been as successful when it came to marking.

What would she do different?
In hindsight, the most significant thing I would do differently in sharing my art if I could turn back time would be to put a small watermark or signature on the more illustrative and ‘pretty’ pieces, because they have sadly been reproduced, plagiarised, reposted and even sold on t-shirts without any credit or link back to me.

How does she sell her work?
Through tumblr and Facebook I have been able to advertise my online shops such as society6 and Redbubble and on average I make about £150-200 a month from the royalties of these sales