Minimalism in Design
Modern Minimalist Fairy-Tale Posters Christian Jackson of Square Inch Design, created a series of hyper-minimalist poster designs for a...

Artist Spotlight: Packing Tape
Mark Khaisman Packing Tape Artist Why? Taking something ordinary and unimportant and making it into something worth looking at. Resembles...

Artist Spotlight
Name a Contemporary Artist... Need help? Check out the link below for a HUGE LIST of Contemporary Artists. What moves you? What inspires...
Composition Terms
How much do you know about CoMpOsItIoN? Do you know WHY something looks good? Or do you just guess? Check out the PowerPoint below for a...

Lazy Digital Painting
Something new to try... Using Photoshop to create paintings from photographs. http://vwcc.blogspot.com/2010/01/reader-tutorial-easy-digit...
3rd Quarter IB Due Dates
IB Tentative Calendar 2015 HELMS 3rd quarter January 16 Project 9 Due January 27 IWB (49-56) Pages Due February 4 ...

IWB Examples
The Spring Semester is here!! Now that you have learned your way around an IWB, let's continue to make it more and more amazing! Check...

Digital Painting Tutorials
Ctrl+Paint : a digital painting tutorial site Huge shout out to Hunter for finding this awesome site! Here you can find all sorts of FREE...

Art & Fear
In January, we will be reading the book "Art and Fear" by David Bayles and Ted Orland together as a class. Please make arrangements to...