ALLen Reads - Matchbox Project
ALLen Reads - What is it? ALLen Reads is a one-book program under the leadership of the Friends of the Allen Public Library. It is...

What is ART? Part 3
Erased de Kooning From 1951 to 1953, Robert Rauschenberg made a number of artworks that explore the limits and very definition of art....

Surreal Collages by Eugenia Loli
What is Surrealism? A 20th-century avant-garde movement in art and literature that sought to release the creative potential of the...

Recycled Materials & Giant Bugs
Using recycled materials, reclaimed objects and found papers... you could create anything... including GiAnT BuGs! www.thisiscolossal.com...

Conrad Jon Godly’s Mountain Paintings Drip from the Canvas
Painting with palette knife! When looking at Swiss painter Conrad Jon Godly’s mountainous paintings, it takes a moment to truly...
3rd Period Resource Sharing
Shannon R- Andy Warhol (pop artist) Alyssa - idrawfashion.com -Fashion Sketching Tutorials Rinnah- Theresa Helmer (Photographer) Juhi -...
2nd Period Resource Sharing
Shaniya- Bec Winnel, colored pencil and graphite Hunter- Jennifer Strickland, http://jenndraws.weebly.com, digital artist Savannah- Josef...

Body Painting
This Is Colossal : Body Paint Reincarnation http://www.thisiscolossal.com/2013/11/a-story-of-reincarnation-told-through-stop-motion-face-...

Violence in Art
If art is visual communication, how can you express violence or violent emotions without being explicit? Research it! Hidden Violence,...