Studio Night!
YoU MiSsEd OuT! The next "Studio Night" is on October 29th. We will have a Halloween costume contest, snacks and our project with be...
Japanese Fall Festival
Looking for your next art gallery or exhibit? Check out the Japanese Fall Festival on September 28th! http://godja.org/en/images/stories/...

Avoid the TRITE LIST!
What does "trite" mean? It means: an idea (or image) that is overused and consequently of little import; lacking originality or...

National Portfolio Day (NPD) OCTOBER 5th
Are you intersted in art school? Art schools and colleges from all over the country will be coming to Dallas and they want to talk to...
3rd Period Resource Sharing
Shannon R- Andy Warhol (pop artist) Alyssa - idrawfashion.com -Fashion Sketching Tutorials Rinnah- Theresa Helmer (Photographer) Juhi -...
2nd Period Resource Sharing
Shaniya- Bec Winnel, colored pencil and graphite Hunter- Jennifer Strickland, http://jenndraws.weebly.com, digital artist Savannah- Josef...

Think Outside the Paintbrush
Beyond the Brush: Inventive Use of Media for Painting Students http://www.studentartguide.com/articles/inventive-mixed-media-techniques

Body Painting
This Is Colossal : Body Paint Reincarnation http://www.thisiscolossal.com/2013/11/a-story-of-reincarnation-told-through-stop-motion-face-...

Violence in Art
If art is visual communication, how can you express violence or violent emotions without being explicit? Research it! Hidden Violence,...
Animals & Art
Ask yourself this question: Can animals create art? It brings up fundamental questions that you as a student and an artist must process....