Artist Spotlight: Packing Tape
Mark Khaisman Packing Tape Artist Why? Taking something ordinary and unimportant and making it into something worth looking at. Resembles...

Artist Spotlight
Name a Contemporary Artist... Need help? Check out the link below for a HUGE LIST of Contemporary Artists. What moves you? What inspires...

Artist Spotlight: Björn Andersson
Björn Andersson Its all about the light! Can art be functional? Can something be beautiful and functional at the same time? Andersson is...

Artist Spotlight: Rowena Martinich
Artist: Rowena Martinich Location: Melbourne, Australia Style: Known for her bold use of color. Abstract Expressionism. Decorative arts:...

Video Resource: Vimeo - Making Art
http://vimeo.com/channels/makingart What you will find: - Artist Interviews - - Tips & Techniques - - Art & Theory -

Artist Spotlight: Bobby Chiu
Bobby Chiu is a Toronto-based digital artist and the founder of Imaginism Studios. He is known for his creature concepts and other...

Primitivism in Art
Primitivism is a Western art movement that borrows visual forms from non-Western or prehistoric peoples. Borrowings from primitive art...

Lazy Digital Painting
Something new to try... Using Photoshop to create paintings from photographs. http://vwcc.blogspot.com/2010/01/reader-tutorial-easy-digit...

Artist: Henry Moore
Henry Moore, Sculptor, 1898 - 1986 An English sculptor whose bronze, marble, stone, or wood sculptures were famous for their monumental...