Painting with Light
Use a "long exposure" to capture movement in light. Check out this link for great ideas! http://webecoist.momtastic.com/2008/12/28/fire-a...

Repetition is a wonderful thing. Repeat anything, I mean anything, in an interesting composition and you have the potential to create a...

Music Inspired Paint
Have you ever been moved by a piece of music? Has it inspired you to create? Did you think of a color when you heard that song? These...

Steam Punk Animals
How do you mix anatomy, animals, steam punk and technical drawings together?

Zendoodle Your Way to Value
http://mseatonsart.blogspot.in/2012/11/this-lesson-originally-came-from.html Zentangle, meet portraits. Use your doodle skills and...

Woven Photography
http://www.thejealouscurator.com/blog/2014/08/19/david-samuel-stern/ and http://www.designlovefest.com/2011/09/remnants/ Fun. Weird....

Recycled Materials & Giant Bugs
Using recycled materials, reclaimed objects and found papers... you could create anything... including GiAnT BuGs! www.thisiscolossal.com...

Conrad Jon Godly’s Mountain Paintings Drip from the Canvas
Painting with palette knife! When looking at Swiss painter Conrad Jon Godly’s mountainous paintings, it takes a moment to truly...

Meredith Woolnough’s Embroideries Mimic Delicate Forms of Nature
EMBROIDERY - using a sewing machine or stitching designs!! Australian artist Meredith Woolnough creates elaborate embroideries that mimic...

Medieval Book Historian Erik Kwakkel Discovers and Catalogs 800-Year-Old Doodles in Some of the Worl
For the past few years, medieval book historian Erik Kwakkel has been poring over some of the world’s oldest books and manuscripts at...