Ms. Helms' Summer Adventures
Did you have a great summer? I hope so! I can't wait to hear all about your summer adventures. Until then, here is a little of what I...

Ms. Helms' in a gallery!
"Bringing Art To Life" at Blue House Too Art Gallery, Allen TX The show runs from May 13th to June 11th. http://allenartsalliance.org/bh2...

Vector Art
Want to go digital? Try your hand at Adobe Photoshop and create "Vector Art". What is Vector Art or Vector Graphics? The term vector...

Studio Night!
YoU MiSsEd OuT! The next "Studio Night" is on October 29th. We will have a Halloween costume contest, snacks and our project with be...

It's Only Fair
Well, I asked you to document what you were doing over the summer so it is only fair that I should do the same. This summer I played...