Finding Creativity
How do you find creativity when you feel like you have nothing left to give? Where does inspiration strike? 1. Try something NEW. Medium....

Practice Makes Perfect
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/07/drawing-progress-photos_n_5533734.html Check out this inspiring article on how the reality of...

Artist Spotlight: Natalie Schorr
http://www.ottoblotto.com/ From the artist: Drawing is my comfort food. My hips might have a different opinion, so I will call drawing...
Brushes in Drawing
How to use a brush to paint, or "dry brush" draw in Graphite and Charcoal:

Artist Spotlight: Melissa Cookeart
http://melissacookeart.com/ THE PROCESS Cooke's drawings are made by dusting thin layers of graphite onto paper with a dry brush. The...

Artist Spotlight: Sarah Graham
Sarah Graham's work is uniquely beautiful. Her twisting, flowing, sensuous flower forms, executed with a restrained elegance yet a...

Pen & Ink Artist
Tattoo-Inspired Ink Drawings by ‘Benze’ http://www.thisiscolossal.com/2015/10/sprawling-tattoo-inspired-ink-drawings-by-benze/

Everything about Perspective